150+ Ebooks Test IQ - EQ - Puzzles and more

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1.     100GEOMETRIC GAMES by Pierre Berloquin

2.     101 PUZZLES IN THOUGHT & LOGIC by c. R. WYLIE Jr.

3.     101Short Cuts in Maths Any One Can Do by gordon rockmaker

4.     365Ways to Boost Your Brain Power Tips, Exercise, Advice by Carolyn Dean

5.     501challenging logic and reasoning problems

6.     536 Puzzles and Curious Problems BY Henry Ernest Dudeney

7.     a first mensa puzzle book by Philip Carter and Ken Russell

8.     AdvancedIQ Tests by PHILIP CARTER

9.     Ancient Puzzles

10. Anxiety101 By Zeidner PhD, Moshe; Matthews PhD, Gerald and Moshe Zeidner

11. Beef Up Your Brain by Michel Noir, Ph.D. & Bernard Croisile, M.D., Ph.D

12. Big Ideas for Small Mathematicians Kids Discovering the Beauty of Math with 22Ready-to-Go Activ

13. Big Questions The Answers to Life's Most Perplexing Puzzles

14. Boostyour interview IQ by Carole Martin

15. Boston Celtics IQ The Ultimate Test of True Fandom  by David Colburn

16. Brain Busters by Philip J.Carter & Ken A.Russell

17. Brain Flexing IQ Tests by FRASER

18. BrainHacks 200+ Ways to Boost Your Brain Power by Adams Media

19. Brilliant Activities for Stretching Gifted and Talented Children by Ashley McCabe Mowat

20. Calculator Puzzles, Tricks & Games by By NORVIN PALLAS

21. Challenging IQ Tests by Philip J.Carter & Kenneth A.Russell

22. Classic Brainteasers Martin Gardener By Muriel Mandell

23. Clever Lateral Thinking Puzzles by Edward J. Harshman

24. Complete Book Of Intelligence Tests by Philip Carter

25. Creative Intelligence Harnessing the Power to Create, Connect, and Inspire By BruceNussbaum

26. Creativity101 By Kaufman PhD, James C. and James C. Kaufman

27. Crossword Puzzles by Ted. Volume One

28. Cryptic Crosswords  How to Solve Them by Fred Piscop

29. Discover Your IQ Potential by PH I LI P CARTE R & KE N R USS E LL

30. Discover Your IQ Potential Over 500 Tests of Your Mental Agility by Philip Carter;Russell Ken

31. Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by Travis Bradberry, Jean Greaves

32. Emotional Intelligence 101 By Moshe Zeidner, PhD, Gerald Matthews, PhD and Richard D.Roberts, PhD

33. Emotional Intelligence FOR DUMMIES by Steven J. Stein, PhD


35. Emotional Intelligence Works Think, Be and Work Smarter, 3rd Edition by S. MichaelKravitz, Ph.D. Susan D. Schubert, M.A.

36. ESQ- Extraordinary Success

37. Everything Test Your I.Q. Book Discover Your True Intelligence by Nathan Haselbauer

38. Fantastic Book of Logic Puzzles By Muriel Mandell

39. fantastic lateral thinking puzzles by Edward J.Harshman

40. Fiendishly Difficult Math Puzzles by ivan mascovich

41. Figuring Made Easy

42. Figuring The Joy Of Numbers-Shakuntala Devi

43. Fun With Figures by KENNETH WILLIAMS

44. Genius 101 (The Psych 101)  by Dean Keith Simonton PhD

45. Great Book of Math Puzzles by Philip Heafford

46. Great Lateral Thinking Puzzles by Paul Sloane and Des MacHale

47. Howto Calculate Quickly Full Course in Speed Arithmetic (Dover Books onMathematics) by Henry Sticker

48. How To Increase Your Brain-Power And Intelligence - with Tips on Excelling in IQ & Aptitude Tests by Kerwin Mathew

49. Howto Pass Advanced Numeracy Tests Improve your scores in numerical reasoning anddata interpretation psychometric tests by Mike Bryon

50. Howto Win at Aptitude Tests Volume II By Iain Maitland

51. Huge Book of Puzzles (2007) by Capella

52. Increase Your Puzzle IQ Tips and Tricks for Building Your Logic Power by MARCEL DANESI,PH.D

53. Intelligence Quotient  by IntroBooks

54. iq and psychometric tests Assess your personality, aptitude and intelligence byPHILIP CARTER

55. IQ Brainteasers over 300 Brainteasing Puzzles by Norman Sullivan

56. IQ Grow Your Mind

57. IQ Mindbenders by Joe Cameron

58. IQ Puzzles by Joe Cameron

59. IQ Testing 101 (The Psych 101 Series) by Dr. Alan S. Kaufman PhD

60. Learning Logic Critical Thinking with Intuitive Notation by Stephen Plowright

61. Magical Mathematics by PERSI DIACONIS AND RON GRAHAM

62. Make Your Brain Smarter Increase Your Brain's Creativity, Energy, and Focus  by Sandra Bond Chapman Ph.D

63. math and logic puzzles for PC Enthusiasts by J.J. Clessa

64. Math for Life Crucial Ideas You Didn't Learn in School by Jeffrey Bennett

65. Math Puzzles and Brainteasers, Grades 3-5  Over 300 Puzzles that Teach Math and Problem-Solving Skills by Terry Stickels

66. MaTh Puzzles and BrainTeasers, grades 6–8 Over 300 Puzzles that Teach Math andProblem-Solving Skills by Terry Stickels

67. Math Puzzles and game by michael holt

68. Math Tricks, Brain Twisters and Puzzles by Joseph Degrazia

69. Mathemagic Puzzles & Brain Drainers by EDITORIAL BOARD

70. Mathemagic Puzzles and Brain Drainers by Editorial Board

71. Mathematical Fun, Games and Puzzles by JACK FROHLICHSTEIN

72. Mathematical Puzzles for the Connoisseur by P.M.H. Kendall and G.M. Thomas

73. Mathematical Teasers by Julio A. Mira

74. Mathematical Thinking, Quantitative Reasoning - R. Aufmann

75. Mathematics Puzzles from Around The_World

76. Maximize Your Brainpower by Philip Carter and Ken Russell

77. MENSA Presents Mighty Mind Boosters by Robert-Allen

78. Mental magic  surefire tricks to amaze your friends by Martin Gardner

79. Mind Games The Aging Brain and How to Keep It Healthy by Kathryn C. Wetzel, PhD & Kathleen M. Harmeyer, MS

80. Mind-Boggling Word Puzzles by Martin Gardner

81. More How to Win at Aptitude Tests by Liam Healy

82. More IQ Testing 250 new ways to release your IQ potential by Philip Carter and KenRussell

83. More Math Puzzles and Games by Michael Holt

84. More Psychometric Testing 1000 new ways to assess your personality, creativity,intelligence and lateral thinking by Philip Carter and Ken Russe ll

85. More Puzzles to Puzzle You by Shkuntala Devi

86. MyBest Mathematical and Logic Puzzles Author Martin Gardner

87. Nature's IQ

88. Outsmarting IQ The Emerging Science of Learnable Intelligence By David Perkins

89. Parents' Guide to IQ Testing and Gifted Education All You Need to Know to Make the Right Decisions for Your Child by David Palmer

90. Power puzzles Three volumes in one by Philip Carter and Ken Russell

91. Puzzles 101 - A Puzzlemasters Challenge by Nobuyuki Yoshigahara

92. Puzzles for Pleasure by barry R. Clarke

93. Puzzles For The High IQ by Lloyd King

94. Puzzles to Puzzle You by Shakuntala Devi

95. Raising An Emotionally Intelligent Child By Daniel Goleman, Joan DeClaire and JohnGottman

96. Short-Cut Math  by Gerard W. Kelly

97. Soccer iQ - Dan Blank

98. Social Intel ligence A Practical Guide to Social Intelligence Communication Skills -Social Skills - Communication Theory By Jonny Bell

99. Speed Mathematics By BillHandley Wiley

100.                    Spiritual Intelligence  The Ultimate Intelligence  by Danah Zohar

101.                    Succeed at IQ Tests Improve YourNumerical, Verbal and Spatial Reasoning Skills by Philip Carter and Ken Russell

102.                    Surprising Science Puzzle by Erwin Brecher


104.                    TEST AND ASSESS YOUR IQ Numerical, Verbal and Spatial Aptitude Tests by Philip Carter & Ken Russell

105.                    Test Of Reasoning Verbal Non- Verbal _General Intelligence For Competitive Examinations by V.V.K. Subburaj

106.                    Test Your EQ Assess Your EmotionalIntelligence with 20 Personality Questionnaires by Philip Carter

107.                    Test Your I.Q. by Alfred W. Munzert, Ph.D

108.                    Test Your Intelligence Baffling brain Teasers by Philip J.Carter & Ken A.Russell

109.                    Test Your Intelligence Beat the IQ Challenge by Philip J.Carter & Ken A.Russell

110.                    TEST YOUR IQ 400 questions to boost your brainpower by  Philip Carter

111.                    Test Your Math IQ by Steve Ryan

112.                    Test Your Own IQ Again by Norman Sullivan

113.                    Test Your Word Power by Philip J.Carter & Ken A.Russell

114.                    The 5 Essential People Skills How to Assert Yourself, Listen to Others, and Resolve Conflicts  by Dale Carnegie Training

115.                    The Big Brain Puzzle Book (Dover Books on Recreation Math) by Terry Stickels

116.                    The Book of Enigmagrams by The MensaPuzzle experts Philip Carter and Ken Russell

117.                    The Book Of Numbers by shakuntala devi's

118.                    The Complete Book of Fun Maths - Carter,Philip, Russell, Ken

119.                    The Complete Book of Intelligence Tests 500 Exercises to Improve, Upgrade and Enhance Your Mind Strength by Philip Carter

120.                    The Emotional Intelligence Quick Book Everything You Need to Know to Put Your EQ to Work By Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves

121.                    The EQ Edge Emotional Intelligence and Your Success 3rd Edition Emotional Intelligence and Your Success  by Steven J. Stein

122.                    The Everything Kids - Math Puzzles Book

123.                    The Great Book of Classical Puzzles byCharles Barry Townsend

124.                    The Great Book Of Puzzles And Teasers byGeorge J. Summer

125.                    The Great Book of Questions and Answers

126.                    The great IQ challenge by Philip J.Carter & Ken A.Russell

127.                    The IQ Challenge  by Philip J.Carter & Ken A.Russell

128.                    The Moscow Puzzles 359 Mathematical Recreations BORIS A. KORDEMSKY

129.                    The New IQ Use Your Working Memory to Think Stronger, Smarter, Faster by Ross Alloway Tracy Alloway

130.                    The Original Cambridge Self-Scoring IQTest

131.                    The Penguin Book of Curious andInteresting Puzzles by David Wells

132.                    The Power of Creative Intelligence 10 ways to tap into your creative genius By Tony Buzan

133.                    The Power of Creative Intelligence by T o n y B u z a n

134.                    The Prince of Mathematics - Carl FriedrichGauss - M. Tent (2005)

135.                    The Second Book of Mathematical Puzzlesand Diversions by MARTIN GARDNER

136.                    The Times Book of IQ Tests Book 5, KenRussell and Philip

137.                    The Ultimate IQ challenge by Marcel Feenstra, Philip J. Carter and Christopher P. Harding

138.                    The Ultimate IQ Test Book by Philip Carter and Ken Russell

139.                    The Universal Book of Mathematics by DavidDarling

140.                    The Works of Archimedes - edited by T L. Heath (Cambridge)

141.                    The Works of Archimedes [modern notation]  - Thomas L. Heath (Cambridge, 1897, reprinted 2010)

142.                    The Works of Archimedes [Vol 1] -REVIEL NETZ (Cambridge, 2004)

143.                    Think of a Number by Malcolm E Lines

144.                    Ultimate Psychometric Tests Over 1,000 verbal, numerical, diagrammatic and IQ practice tests by Mike Bryon

145.                    Unlimited Memory How to Use Advanced Learning Strategies to Learn Faster, Remember More and be More Productive by Kevin Horsley


147.                    World's 200 Hardest Brain Teasers Mind-Boggling Puzzles, Problems, and Curious Questions to Sharpen Your Brain by Gary r. GruBer, PhD

148.                    World's Hardest Puzzles by Charles Bany Townsend

149.                    World's Most Baffling Puzzles by Charles Townsend

150.                    Your Intelligence Makeover An Easy Way to Learn All You Need to Know by Edward F. Droge Jr. Ed.D

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